Our Story
Welcome, dear heart. Thank you for being here.
In Sanskrit -- the root of our native Indonesian language, Cinta means love, Bumi is the Earth. This space is here to guide you nourish your relationship with the Earth and your inner artist. It's a place of co-creation with plants, fibers, and colors. It's a learning vessel that you can explore through our natural dye courses, creative retreats, community initiatives, and heartmade wearable poetry.
Since we started our journey in 2013, we've been through metamorphosis that has gradually supported us and brought us here. From being a small business focused on products to a heart-centered one that integrates heritage, artisanal creations with skill-sharing and learning experiences.
In the past five years, we've gone on to create naturally-dyed artisanal works for individuals and organizations, run 80+ in-depth courses and introductory workshops, and reach 700+ students age 3 to 72 years old from over 30 countries. But beyond the numbers, the thing we are most grateful for is the deeply nourishing life we get to share with you by co-creating with the plant world and amazing artisans of our home archipelago Indonesia. We are so glad you're walking with us.
How the journey began: Love and Interconectedness.
It all started with an afternoon hike around the megalithic sites of the Bada Valley in 2013.
At that time, I still worked full-time in the tourism field and I was running a two-year independent research on community-based ecotourism initiative in Poso, Central Sulawesi. One of the key aspects I focused on was the intangible cultural heritage of the indigenous communities around the Lore Lindu National Park. This included Bada Valley.
That afternoon, in the middle of a rice field, I met Ina Rii, a topobéa (ranta / barkcloth maker) and our beautiful connection started there. She's my first teacher who personally taught me about ranta-making and dyeing process, the values and meaning of the cloth, while often sharing her feelings around the vulnerable status of this centuries-old heritage.
It was the gateway that brought me to my awakened self; the bridge that connected me to the path where I truly belong: artisanal craftsmanship; the vessel that rose my dream and courage to birth Cinta Bumi Artisans, an embryo I had kept safely in my heart for over a decade by that time.
So after 10 years being a tourism practitioner -- and was in an intersection regarding that sector for quite sometime, I decided to let go of it and embarked the new path. Since then, I've been fully dedicated in artisanal craftswomanship, and proud to call it my soul path in this lifetime.
It's about love, and love needs time.
Many people normalized fast as a part of core quality, unexceptionally in cloth-making. But when you get deeper and tune in with your heart... you realized that to fully embrace true love -- unexceptionally self-love, we need time to get there.
How often do we reflect on the impact of fast and unfairly-made clothes to the Earth, to the souls who made them, and to our wellbeing -- as individuals and a collective?
As our second skin*, cloth is one of the first things that touched us when we were born, and one of the last things that touch our physical form when we die. It stays with us for as long as our physical bodies belong to the Earth.
We believe that handcrafting a creation that speaks for life, for love, is no different than embark on a journey to embody true love. It is an offering. It is a way of deepening our relationship with nature. And it requires our devoted time.

Honoring ancestral wisdom and artisanal craftswomanship.
We believe everything that has made us the way we are now is established by our ancestors. And we have the ability to choose their wisdom to guide us in the way we live, unexceptionally when it comes to our clothes and daily utilities.
When we really see with our hearts, we will find that in our lineages, we have ancestors who were cloth-makers. They were knowledgeable, skillful and self-reliant not only in growing and making their food but also their garments. Barkcloth-making, yarn-spinning, handweaving, and dyeing with living colors were integral part of their lives. DIY craft was not a niche thing for them. They truly lived it out loud.
We may not be able to discover precisely on who our ancestors were or what crafts(wo)manship they practiced many centuries ago, but the convenience in our modern lives -- including technology use and open learning access -- enables us to channel our conscious creativity, to reconnect and rediscover them for our wellbeing, self-empowerment, and the legacy we will pass down further to others.

Redefine timeless through conscious creativity.
While common perspective about timeless these days is something plain, minimalist, and even disparage colorful entities, we believe that timeless is not simply about the surface look, color, or pattern.
Timeless is about being true, kind, and compassionate. It's about giving with sincerity and receiving with gratitude. It's about being and doing with mindfulness and integrity to contribute to a healthy ecosystem. Timeless is a reminder that we are all students of life who walk through our learning journeys collectively, and that each journey begins at home.
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